Choosing the Right Web Development Company

Choosing the Right Web Development Company

To the average layman, it may appear like an incredibly complex, confusing and rather obscure field. So, from a purely objective viewpoint, to shed some illumination on this interesting industry, we’ve put together the ultimate broadside review of web development services and what it takes for you to become a full-fledged web development expert. With so many available options out there, it can be easy to get lost in the online landscape. So, a little bit of foresight can go a long way in helping you find your way around the web.

What exactly is web development industry? Web developers design websites and applications by way of cutting edge technology using cutting edge software packages that make everything from video tutorials to online shopping carts available to us. And just like any other profession, it requires an overwhelming amount of knowledge and tons of skills. If you’re thinking that you just don’t have the know-how to develop a decent website or if you simply don’t have the time to do it, think again: the web development industry has opportunities for you to be the expert website developer you’ve always wanted to be.

In reality, the frontend or user-interfaces of websites are not all that different from the backend side. User interaction with a web application happens every time a person visits your site — and that interaction takes place through the creation and manipulation of web pages. A web designer then comes into the picture to craft those web pages so they appear aesthetically pleasing to the human eye and that they are designed around the specific needs of the company’s target audience. While there is definitely a difference between being a frontend developer and a web designer, the fact is that both jobs require the same basic skills.

So where does one fit in? The best bet for a web designer is to be an expert in Hybrid Web Development. A hybrid solution is a website builder/frontend developer combination. A website builder works in tandem with the designer in creating unique website designs and functionalities. They can assist in the creation of web pages by helping the web designer to conceptualize the look and feel of the website. At the same time, they can collaborate closely with the web designer to ensure the functionality of the pages is a hit after it’s launched on the World Wide Web.

In contrast, a web developer works in the background as the “man” behind the curtain. They create the code that runs the website. When it comes to functionality and the look of a website, the “man” is free to sit back and relax while the “woman” gets to get busy in the business of creating the website and ensuring it is functional and successful for the business. A web designer can either work independently or as part of a team; however, most companies prefer to employ a tandem approach.

As mentioned earlier, there are two types of website builders: the Hybrid approach and the Full-service Web Developer. A Hybrid approach means that the business owner decides what type of Frontend & Backend (core & admin) they want and then bring that feature into the product design and development process. At the same time, the owner can choose to have a “builder” only in the form of templates – which they create themselves – or build the full functionality of the website with a full-service provider. Most Full-service providers offer a full range of “extras” not included with their software such as admin carts, membership management systems, shopping systems and more. However, the biggest drawback to using a Full-service web development company is that the company will control all website functionality, including the design & development of your website. Because of this limitation, you may end up having to pay additional fees for things like full-service database technology, coding, frontend integration and more.

A full-service provider will provide several advantages over a hybrid solution. First, a full-service provider generally offers an easier path to build and design websites because they have many years experience in custom website builder programming and the technical components involved such as CSS, HTML, Flash, JavaScript and more. This experience allows them to understand your exact website needs, work within your budget, and to make sure the entire functionality of your website is optimized. While this usually comes with a higher price tag, the money you save in programming costs and increased website performance can offset the increased cost over time.

On the other hand, a good full service provider has a lot less experience in the frontend of websites and usually specializes in one or two specific areas. If you are looking to have your website built for you from scratch, you are probably best to choose a good, reliable full-service web designer. However, if you already know what you want to have on your site, you may be able to save some money by going with a cheaper, off-the-shelf website builder. For example, a good and inexpensive website builder may offer a ready-made template that you can customize according to your business’ specific needs. You can save some money by adding content to your site in this case, since the website builder will already have developed a feature-filled website from the ground up. If you’re going with this option, however, it’s still a good idea to hire a web designer to customize it for you so you get the right aesthetic fit for your business.

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

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